I want to hear from you!Help me to make this workshop experience even better by sharing your honest feedback. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall experience in the Forever and Ever workshop? With 5 being great and 1 being bad. 1 2 3 4 5 How do you feel about the pricing of the workshop? Felt appropriate (stay the same) Was kind of cheap Was kind of expensive Felt like a great deal for what I paid Felt like I should have got more after what I paid Preferred to pay as a couple instead of individually Prefer payments options Prefer one-time payment How helpful have you found the topics covered to be? Not Helpful at All Not Very Helpful Neutral Somewhat Helpful Extremely Helpful Would you have prefer the sessions to be longer or shorter? 90 min (stay the same) 120 min 60 min 45 min 30 min Would you have preferred a different day for the sessions to be held on? Tuesday (stay the same) Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Would you have preferred a different time for the sessions? 7:30pm (stay the same) 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm Noon time Morning time How frequent would you suggest the sessions to be? Monthly (stay the same) Weekly Bi-weekly Do you have any suggestions or feedback to help improve the workshop experience? Was there anything that you were expecting from this workshop that hasn't been mentioned yet? If so, please explain. Thank you for taking the time to fill this out!